Yeoman Fountain generators

Fountain Documentation



You need at least Node v4.0.0 and NPM 3.

Create your project

Install the needed tools:

$ npm i -g yo

Install generator-fountain-webapp

$ npm i -g generator-fountain-webapp

Make a new directory, and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd my-new-project

Run yo fountain-webapp:

yo fountain-webapp

Yo options

yo fountain-generator --help or yo fountain-generator -h for help. All options are not required. If not provided, default values will be used.

  • --skip-install Do not automatically install dependencies, default is false
  • --framework=(react|angular2|angular1|vue) Select a framework
  • --modules=(webpack|systemjs|inject) Select a modules manager
  • --js=(babel|typescript|js) Select a JS preprocessor
  • --css=(scss|less|stylus|css) Select a CSS preprocessor


Few sub-generators are available. You can see the full list by running yo --generators.
Each generator has 2 options:

  • You can set the name of the generated item with --name
  • You can set the path of the generated item with --dir


yo fountain-angular2:component --name myComponent --dir components/game

Use NPM scripts

  • npm run build to build an optimized version of your application in /dist
  • npm run serve to launch a browser sync server on your source files
  • npm run serve:dist to launch a server on your optimized application
  • npm run test to launch your unit tests with Karma
  • npm run test:auto to launch your unit tests with Karma in watch mode

Or Gulp tasks

If you have gulp-cli installed in global packages you can use equivalent:

  • gulp or gulp build
  • gulp serve
  • gulp serve:dist
  • gulp test
  • gulp test:auto

Directory structure

Every component of the app get its own directory which contains the component code (depending on the framework, it can be *.(js|ts) or/and *.component.(js|ts) or/and *.controller.(js|ts) or/and *.service.(js|ts) and *.spec.(js|ts).

  • If you are coding in Angular 1.4 style, you can read Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure.
  • Concerning Angular ≥ 1.5 and Angular 2, you can read Angular 2 Style Guide.
  • For React, you can read Airbnb React Style Guide.

WARNING: this directory structure implies you are using Techs template of the app. If not, it will be slightly different.

├──  conf/
│    ├──  browsersync-dist.conf.js
│    ├──  browsersync.conf.js
│    ├──  gulp.conf.js
│    ├──  karma-auto.conf.js
│    ├──  karma.conf.js
│    ├──  webpack-dist.conf.js (optional)
│    └──  webpack-test.conf.js (optional)
│    └──  webpack.conf.js (optional)
├──  gulp_tasks/
│    ├──  browsersync.js
│    ├──  build.js (optional)
│    ├──  inject.js (optional)
│    ├──  karma.js
│    ├──  misc.js
│    ├──  scripts.js (optional)
│    ├──  styles.js (optional)
│    ├──  systemjs.js (optional)
│    └──  webpack.js (optional)
├──  bower_components/ (optional)
├──  jspm_packages/ (optional)
├──  nodes_modules/
├──  typings/ (optional)
├──  src/
│   ├──  app/
│   │   ├── techs/
│   │   │   ├──  tech.(js|ts)
│   │   │   ├──  tech.spec.(js|ts)
│   │   │   ├──  techs.(js|ts)
│   │   │   └──  techs.spec.(js|ts)
│   │   │
│   │   ├── footer.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── footer.spec.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── header.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── header.spec.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── main.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── main.spec.(js|ts)
│   │   ├── title.(js|ts)
│   │   └── title.spec.(js|ts)
│   │
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── index.(js|ts)
│   └── index.(css|less|scss|styl)
├──  .babelrc (optional)
├──  .editorconfig
├──  .gitignore
├──  bower.json (optional)
├──  gulpfile.js
├──  jspm.config.js (optional)
├──  jspm.browser.js (optional)
├──  package.json
├──  tslint.json (optional)
└──  typings.json (optional)


You can find the configuration files in conf/.

  • browsersync.conf(-dist).js: define which folder to serve
  • gulp.conf.js: contains the variables used in other gulp files which defines tasks
  • karma(-auto).conf.js: contains Karma configuration for unit tests
  • webpack(-dist | test).js: Webpack configuration with definition of loaders and plugins regarding the environment (dev, dist or test)


As the gulp_tasks folder contains all gulp tasks used by the project, the gulpfile.js centralize all processes by chaining the actual tasks.

It's made possible by the new Gulp 4 which allow to define precise task series and parallelization.

Questions the generator will ask

  • Framework: React, Angular 2, Angular 1, Vue 2
  • Modules manager: Webpack with NPM, SystemJS with JSPM, None with Bower injection
  • CSS preprocessor: SASS, Less, CSS
  • JS preprocessor: ES2015 with Babel, Pure old JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Sample app: A working landing page, A simple Hello Word, A TodoMVC